
I'm Kevin, a full stack developer.

Passionate Full Stack Developer with a knack for transforming visionary concepts into tangible digital realities. With a Master's degree and three years of professional experience in software engineering, I've honed my skills in crafting seamless, end-to-end solutions. From ideation to deployment, I thrive on the challenge of architecting robust backends and engaging frontends. Every project is an opportunity for growth, a chance to not only apply my current expertise but to eagerly embrace new technologies and methodologies. As a perpetual learner, I am driven by the relentless pursuit of innovation, constantly seeking ways to elevate my craft and deliver unparalleled experiences.

My Projects

Track My Domains

TrackMyDomain is a comprehensive solution for managing domain portfolios across various providers, consolidating them into one convenient platform. It uses intuitive UI/UX designs that prioritize simplicity and ease of use. Developed for iOS using SwiftUI, with future plans for Android and web platforms, this project showcases the commitment to delivering accessible and user-friendly solutions.

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Testament Bible

A Bible application that prioritizes simplicity and privacy while offering a wide range of features. It includes numerous Bible versions and translations in languages such as English, Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, and more. Additionally, the app provides Bible-related videos and useful features like Related Verses and Bible Version Comparisons to enhance your comprehension of the scripture’s profound messages. Testament also equips users with tools like Highlighting, Note-taking, and the ability to create shareable images of Bible verses.

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Hymns.io is a Christian music data platform offering lyrics, chords, karaoke, and more. The current platform is web-based with plans for future expansion.

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Presenter.Church is a cloud based presentation software for churches. It allows users to display song lyrics, bible verses and other compatible medias on big screen. Since the platform is cloud based, the user can access their content from anywhere at anytime.